Case History Records

Zellweger’s Martinez

Hearing loss   Initial Audiology

see   Initial ERG Weleber

DHA blood levels  Initial DHA Steiner

very long chain fatty acids  Initial VLCFA Martinez

liver Initial liver Steiner

damage  Liver toxicity Koeberl

Early Intervention Program

DHA supplementation

birth to six months

Martinez DHA-EE  98% pure    MAMA DHA EE Label

Formulaid  Formulaid


Twenty days  Estatorrea resolved


agreed  Liver function labs

progress 6 month update Steiner

first year 1 year Fatty Acid Labs

MWpt2  Pt#2 JMN

vision improved  Functional Vision Assessment

retinitis pigmentosis No RP Saunders

AudioCEENTA9-99  Hearing aid Eval Peter

PT4-99  Hypotonia PT Cicirello

myelination  16 month update Martinez

normal MRI normal Martinez

therapy  DEC Developmental Eval

liver biopsy  CCHMC Pathology

DHA100mg4-01  Lower DHA-EE dose Martinez

200 mg/day Low DHA-EE results, Martinez & plasmalogen labs

diet  Diet

VLCFAs  Charts VLCFA & Plasmalogens

pigment  Vision update Saunders

unaided  BAER Report

DHA  withheld

DHA-EE28   DHA-EE Spence

MRI  MRI Report

hearing tests    CEENTA 8-09

response  ERG update Martinez & tracings

Adrenal insufficiency  Friedman hydrocortisol supplementation

speech Speech Eval Cross

physical therapy PT Eval Smith

vision Vision Eval Wells

occupational therapy  Pirko letter

orientation and mobility O&M Eval Galvan

psychological evaluation 1 Psych Eval 1

psychological evaluation 2  Psych Eval 2

adverse effects Anti-convulsant Hx

began Initial ERG lab

today Vision Report Goshorn

graduation address Graduation Address